Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tucked away

If you happen to stop by our little spot in the world you will immediately be taken by the littles to the Children’s Garden (which I am so excited to show you progress on!), and then, without a doubt you’ll be herded across the “field” to the “play place.” Tucked away there, at the edge of the yard, is a spot that is fast becoming a favorite place for discovery, imagination, creativity, and play. Tucked away in their own little spot, their world becomes whatever they like it to be. May 278May 288May 283

A favorite pastime in the “play place” is making fairy houses. It seems to my poor memory that there are often posts referencing fairy houses in this space…fitting as much our play, adventure, and reading time revolves around the magic of fairies! It is wonderful that the fun of creating fairy houses is in fact the creating as, despite his best efforts, the little man cub destroys much more than he builds. May 284May 286

(That’s not poison ivy by the way! She worked on the wall and roof for this fairy house all on her own and was very very pleased with herself.)

We have read so many books about fairies and their dear homes. By far, our favorite is this little gem. Barry and Tracy Kane have a solid hold on the fairy book houses market. Their work is simply magical. Chock full of delightful and inspiring images of homes created for the little fairies we love so dearly. It is endless inspiration. Go get it!!! Then find a little spot all tucked away and create a whole new world with your kidlings for the little fairies all around you. It is such fun.