Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have a troop of fantastic nephews. Truly…simply awesome. They continually introduce me, and my children, to new, (albeit sometimes rather odd), activities and “stuff”. A few years ago two of my nephews were caught up in the “Ugly Doll” craze that filled their NYC school. Soon their beds were covered with their own “Ugly” creations, and not long after that “Uglies” made their way to the beds of my own littles. These simple little dolls have been our companions on many great adventures and snuggled in countless story times.

It is no wonder then that when brainstorming gift ideas for yet another nephew, his little sister, and soon to come baby brother, that “Uglies” made it to the top of the list. We had a great time exploring “Ugly Town” on the official website and then designed three custom “Uglies”. For something “Ugly” they certainly are adorable, and oh-so-simple to make. Just what every auntie loves!
