Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello April

There were roller skates and crayons in the fridge this morning.  Wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Halloween were shared…oh what a silly way (and beloved one for little ones) to welcome a month!!  I’ll admit that our April Fool’s Day observation is tame with just the right amount of silliness…and we like it like that! 

But oh do we welcome April with open, and perhaps even bare arms! 

And just it time for the first day of this springy month we have welcomed our first flower bouquet, picked and given by very proud, very dirty, and just a wee bit chubby hands.  Oh the joys of little loves! 

April 005 

We have also celebrated the first snake sighting!  The marvel at our own “wildlife” is grand, and to see it up close and in their own little realm was magnificent.  (There’s a story behind that rock pile where they found the snakes.  Don’t worry…you’ll hear it soon!)  They (especially her) watched them for the longest time.  And then checked on them all through the day.  (I’ll admit I’m a little convinced that they might move homes!) April 007

Can you spot them?  It’s tough in the midst of all that brown!  There’s two little garden snakes there…I never did get to see the big one (you’re right…I’m just fine with that!)  One is on the left of the lilac tree and one is on the right.  Isn’t it funny how we can share the joy our children have in things that we ourselves would find little joy in if by ourselves.  There truly is something magical that happens when you love a little one. 

 April 010 April 012

Hello April!  Oh do we look forward to all that you will bring…and all that we will bring to you! 

Now…let’s see how fast we can get the “get-ready-for-dear-family” housework done so we can spend every possible minute out of doors on this gorgeous day! We have some big projects going on out there! You know, that is one of my favorite parts of spring and summer…aside from the dirt being tracked into the kitchen to the shoe mats from out of doors, the house stays relatively clean all the time because we are rarely in it!  That is a definite perk!