We recently found the book Discovering Great Artists in the library and have big plans! The book highlights many of the great masters and includes art activities that reflect that particular artist’s style, etc.
The first activity we chose was a great hit!! We made Egg Tempera Paint similar to that used by Giotto di Bondone in the thirteenth and fourteenth century! Marvelous!
How to Make Egg Tempera Paint
*The process below is based on both the book and our own experience.
chalk pastels
muffin tin
egg and water
measuring cup or bowl
spoon and whisk
old bowl and round rock or morter and pestle
paintbrush and paper
1. Choose bright colors from your chalk pastels
2. Break of small portions from each color.
3. Use the mortar and pestle (or old bowl and round rock) to grind the chalk pastels into a very fine powder. Be careful not to inhale the chalk dust.
4. Put the colored powders into the cups of the muffin tin.
5. Crack the egg and the yoke and separate from the white.
6. Mix the yolk with 2 teaspoons of water. Whip it with a fork until the mixture is frothy yellow. We put in a bit too much water…don’t!…it makes the paint much too runny and more difficult to mix the powder smoothly.
7. Spoon the egg water into the powdered chalk and mix with a paintbrush until you make a smooth runny paint. (Because we had a bit too much water our paint held the foam a bit too much…so we had bubbly paint…which was fine with her!)
8. Now get painting!!!
We had a lot of fun with this. My daughter seemed to really connect with the process and caught the magic of making materials to create with. We are really looking forward to much more fun creating together with activities from this book!
Emilie 39p · 782 weeks ago
April · 782 weeks ago
kyndale · 782 weeks ago
Lacey · 782 weeks ago
Jennifer · 782 weeks ago
Jennifer w. · 782 weeks ago
Adrie · 782 weeks ago
Luisa · 774 weeks ago
David Kiphuth · 742 weeks ago
Courtney Widman · 738 weeks ago
HRobinson 52p · 738 weeks ago
I wish I had a nice scientific answer for you but I really don't.� I'm not really sure why at all, but the paint lasts.� The paintings we did are still good in our art files and we did these a�long�time ago.� Good luck and have fun!
sofia · 728 weeks ago
Pop-Up Art Studio · 662 weeks ago
We tried a variety of pigments: eyeshadow, charcoal from the fire pit, turmeric, cocoa powder, and Gatorade. :) For whatever reason it didn't occur to me to use chalks. It was a super fun project. Thanks for sharing!
Alia Tahvildaran · 571 weeks ago
I made egg tempera paint with my Kindergarten art classes. Your blog was helpful in thinking about how to manage and plan this project in which we used the paints to fill in and decorate our chicken drawings. Thanks for the great post! I linked this post in mine.
Stephanie T. · 480 weeks ago