Thursday, October 6, 2011

Around Town…at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

Recently we joined a gaggle of other homeschool families for a “hike” at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary.  It was a beautiful fall day sandwiched between dreary gray drizzly ones, so the opportunity to be exploring outside was extra sweet. 

If you are somewhat local, and have never visited this little spot, I highly  recommend it.  It’s beautiful and peaceful of course, but the true gem is the rockery.  Before visiting here I really wasn’t sure what a rockery was, or just what would be in store there.  Well, my friends, it is simply magical.  A giant hillside covered with rocks complete with tunnels, caves, “stairs”, and boulders to explore, climb all over and discover.  Really it was truly awesome.    I can’t wait to go back again, especially when I am not pregnant and my agility is a bit better so I can explore with my littles.   We are enjoying our ever-changing classroom so very very much! 

What favorite spots do you have to explore in your spot in  the world?!?!   IMG_0457IMG_0458IMG_0461IMG_0462

