Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow and Ice…and Cozy Indoors

We have had some snowy icy days recently.  With snow removal as our major hobby we’ve been quite busy!!  But oh the cozy indoors!!!  Insulated by blindingly bright snow the house is cozy and bright.  My little interior designer and her trusty partner have been very busy creating the perfect winter fort with all their “special” things and everything they need for a happy afternoon.  


Oh yes, we do so love our cozy indoor days.

And the productivity in the studio…oh yes!!!

To liven up the couch that we cozy up on for so many hours each day to read read read in the snowy wonderland we live in I remade a couple of oversized pillows.  They started out as a pair of black and white pillows with a cute little toile print and fringe.  I definitely didn’t hate them, okay…I really didn’t like the fringe!…I knew I wanted something different though.  Overall we’re thrilled!  Each time I see the couch they are arranged in a new way…which is fun for me…and for the littles!  One step further for making our home our own.  Yes please!!!IMG_8000
