
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Paper, crayons, and … yarn!!!

I know I’ve said it before…but I’m going to say it again!  I believe children should have an unlimited supply and constant access to creative art making materials.  The basics of these being plain old paper and crayons.  There is an unparalleled magic that occurs when children create peoples and worlds in bright bold colors on the wide expanse of clean white paper.  Pure magic.  I picked up a few rolls of “end rolls” of paper from the local printers the other day.  We have had many wonderful hours coloring around the dining room table together.  It’s just so fun to have an entire table turned into a drawing surface!! 

February 037

(The local printers (they print brochures and pamphlets, etc.) recycles the ends of the rolls of paper as the machines cannot pick it up when the roll is “nearly” empty.  In reality there is hundreds of yards of paper left on the roll.  So it’s ours for … free!  Check out a printing company in your area to see how you can help with their recycling efforts!!!)

Yes…that’s yarn trailing out of that knitting bag.  I’m going to see if I can polish it off tonight and share a great tutorial soon!  That is if I haven’t made a total disaster of it…!

   February 041

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