
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Little Bumblebee!

This year for Christmas our little gardener was given an Amarylis bulb from her grandparents (who also happen to be her gardening inspiration…see here, and here, and here!)  We had a lot of fun together planting it and tracking its growth in a little journal.  We drew pictures and measured and described, and just marveled at the amazing growth potential in one little bulb.  And oh the exclamations and excitement when six gorgeous blooms appeared.  February 025

We have also been having a marvelous time learning about bees lately.  We would love to make our own hives this spring and watch their miraculous lives more closely.  (And eat some yummy honey and gather delightful beeswax of course!!!) We watched this video together during one of our friday night family “pizza and a movie” nights and were fascinated. 

We had our own little impromptu bumblebee lesson when the blooms were first smelled!  Turns out we have a pro pollen collector!!!  It was a great little learning experience…! 

 February 024

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