I remember playing for hours with play doh made by my mother when my own hands were still quite small. It is a wonderful creative material for children, rich in sensorial, and tactile benefits. Making your own play doh is simple and fast and can be easily made with little helpers. In fact, it is even more fun to play with if made (with help) by little hands. This recipe uses basic baking ingredients so is safe if eaten by little mouths. It has a ton of salt though…so it won’t be eaten more than once. (A huge benefit over commercial versions that have all sorts of artificial goop in them!)
Have fun!
Play Doh
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tarter
2 tablespoons oil
food coloring
*I usually double this recipe.
Step 1. Gather ingredients. If making this with helpers this is a great time to let them learn where things are kept, to notice the differences in ingredients, etc.
Step 2. Mix all ingredients (except food coloring) into a medium sized sauce pan. Order doesn’t matter a bit!…which is great with helpers!
Step 3. Cook over medium high heat stirring constantly until it makes a globby ball. If you have ever made cream puffs the play doh will resemble the consistency of the pastry dough.
Which reminds me…cream puffs would be delicious…hmmm…maybe tomorrow!
Step 4. Dump your doh onto the (unfloured) counter and form a flattened ball shape. If you want more than one colored doh…make more than one “ball”.
Step 5. Drop several drops of food coloring in the desired color onto the ball. Fold the sides of the ball up to cover the food coloring and enclose it within the play doh. This is the keep it from staining your hands while you knead it.
Step 6. Knead the play doh until the color is even and the doh is smooth and even. The play doh will be quite hot…but it’s important to knead it before it cools off…so don’t wait!
Always store the play doh in an airtight container.
Now…go have some fun!
Ideas for play doh play!
Gather cookie cutters, forks, spoons, etc and experiment making different shapes and textures in the play doh. Work together to form figures to act out a story. Play with your children and watch as their imaginations take off! I have found it to be a great time to talk to them about all sorts of things as their hands are happily engaged creating.
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