
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snowy Days

I don’t often make references to my own geographical location on this blog. I kind of like it that way. Makes it seem like I’m right there with you…and that you are right here with me wherever you, or I may be. I do like to think about my dear readers in Australia once in a while…you see they are enjoying their sunny beaches and exploring the warm outdoors right now. Thoughts of piles and piles of cold white fluffy stuff everywhere must be a laughable phenomenon. As it is to us as we sit in the sweltering heat of August and try to imagine the patio furniture covered in snow. But August is a long way away…and the patio furniture is surrounded in a sea of white.

February 121It is pure magic. Heavy, wet, car entrapping, roof stressing magic! February 127February 128

Yes, those sweltering days of August, and those sunny beaches of Australia seem impossibly far off. But I won’t rush them here. I will be content. (Even if it takes reminding myself to just “be” every once in a while!) It is beautiful, all this snow we have in New York. We’ll enjoy it while it lasts and welcome Spring when it is ready to arrive…with open arms!!!

Here’s to a contented February day…wherever you may be!

February 111

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