Yesterday had its moments!!! Yikes!
While making waffles my little helper fell off the stool (which happens way to often…what a little wiggler!) and knocked the bowl of batter off…of course. It fell onto the counter and onto her head as if we were in a movie. “What a mess” would be a serious understatement. For those of you who know my daughter you know she is not one for having liquids on her skin involuntarily. (Perhaps visions of the mud day are perplexing you…it was definitely a risk…and touch-and-go for a bit I’ll admit!!) With bathed (and still hungry) children we started on lunch again…and the same wiggler tipped over the same stool which came crashing onto her toe. Oh the howls!!! Though she is quite looking forward to seeing all the fun colors her toe nail will be turning. She is in fact quite pleased that it is purple!! Oh does she love purple.
On the other hand…once we finally made it outside the little man cub kept his mittens on for the whole play time and didn’t insist on being held either! He actually had a great time wandering around and exploring in the wintery wonderland outside. And frankly…being able to thoroughly enjoy both of them outside at the same time trumped any ridiculous mess I dealt with inside. (Do have any idea how hard mostly mixed waffle batter is to get out of hair…yikes!)
Children change gears so quickly. They have forget their sorrows and despairs so easily and move on to something else. I need to do better with this. I need to do better about leaving the trauma of the mess behind once the evidence of it is gone and walking out into a clean white surface all ready for a new adventure. I think I may have more to learn from my children than they have to learn from me….!!
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