We are all together again. It’s very nice. It is home to us afterall…being all together no matter where we happen to be.
Our spot in the world right now is not quite where we want to be. Which is frustrating at times…! This blog is bright and colorful, full of creativity and fun ideas, plastered with images of natural childhood goodness. I like it like that. It truly does help me focus on the joys of my life. The accomplishments and successes rather than the challenges, fears and unknowns. But sometimes the colors are just a bit too bright…they seem unnatural….not the colors I’m seeing around me. I’ll admit it…sometimes I see gray and gloom! And I struggle with the inconsistency. It feels dishonest somehow. So I run and hide and don’t post. It doesn’t fix it! I miss this space and the joys it brings. I miss your encouragement and comradery….even though I can’t actually have you all over for a real chat.
So…I’m back. Back with my husband and littles. Back with all of you. Plugging along day by day. Living creatively as best I can each day. Not ignorant of the gloomy grays looming in some corners of my life…but choosing to focus on the bright colors instead. I know you know what I mean. And it means so much to me to know that!
Someday our little spot in the world will be just where we want it to be…and with some luck it will be close enough to truly know some of you. But for now…I’m here, in this space with you!
On another note….
Can you catch a glimpse of the double knit polyester floral robe in the bottom of the picture! Yeah….I have been wearing that for (too long) the past two days as the “cook” (all food being made of blocks!!!) for the “royal prince and princess” and their adventures that we seem to be having none-stop around here. There is only so much servitude a girl can take! We needed a popcorn break! Turns out the prince loves it as much as the princess and the cook!!
Have a bright and colorful day friends!
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