This week has been full! Full of cousins to play with. Full of snow games and adventures. Full of sisters and popcorn munching and Olympics. It has been (and will be for a while yet) very full. But it is a very good full!!!
Do know what is always full? My project wish list! Sometimes I feel that I will burst with all the things I want to be stitching, sewing, carving, painting, etc. It takes a lot of will power to remember to simplify…pare back…and remember that for everything there is a season.
That being said….I saw this today and believe I lack the will power to resist making it. Maybe I’ll cut down on the “munching popcorn during the Olympics” and vamp up the “stitching during the Olympics”!! Yup…I think some deep blue yarn will be cast on soon…! First I have to finish a vest for the man cub!
Wishing you full and happy winter days.
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