I have had many questions about how I fit so much creating into my days. While priorities are a huge part of that answer there is another secret weapon that I hold to be the real reason so much messy, wonderful, creating happens around here. He’s tall and strong and oh-so-handsome…but most importantly he gets it. He gets why it is so critical to a healthy Hannah that I create everyday…he gets how much our children learn from doing (albeit messily doing) along side…he gets that dinner on time on the dining room table is not always necessary, but the glorious messy creativity happening on the dining room table is…he just gets it!!!
Although he is marvelously talented in his own ways he is not always the center of our creative endeavors. Not always…but this day I came into the dining room and found him surrounded by little hands, glue, tape, crayons, markers, and positively up to his elbows in a creative mess!!! It was beautiful!!! His family makes a paper chain to count the days to Christmas each year. As a spin off of this he allowed little hands to write the numbers (in permanent marker…eeek!) and the littlest hands to decorate the papers. He cut them apart with kid-sized scissors (!) and they put it all together!! Oh…he gets it!!!
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