
Friday, December 4, 2009

Stocking Stuffer Swap


A troop of gnomes left our workshop recently and headed out into the world destined to be a Christmas surprise.  I was so excited about Carrie’s Stocking Stuffer Swap idea when I heard about it.  Such a fantastic way to stuff a stocking with unique, beautiful, handcrafted items.  I am also very excited to see what others make, to “meet” them, and learn about their craft. 

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Goodbye little gnomes!  Enjoy your new home!!!

Crafting this little troop was also a fantastic little warm up excercise in the workshop.  I have a marathon of woodworking ahead of me!  I’m excited to learn some new skills and to enjoy the skills I already have (which really isn’t much!!) that I will need to create all my grand ideas.  (Some of them are very  grand!) I’ll keep you posted! 

Here’s a glimpse of some of the projects going on in the workshop!!


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