
Monday, December 21, 2009

A Christmas Dress

In the list of things to do in preparation for this Holiday Season that has been floating around in my head for months has been making a Christmas Dress and vest for my littles.  The plan was to use a beautiful red corduroy that I had several yards of, and trim it with simply wonderful trim that was brought back from Germany for them by their Nana and Grandpa.  I wanted them to look like little German storybook characters!  It turns out I don’t have several yards of beautiful red corduroy…and no one can guarantee that I ever did!!! What am I going to do with this head of mine?!?!

So plan B:  I found a simply gorgeous vintage dress in incredible fabric and perfect condition, tore it apart and made a dress and tie!  There are some mistakes…but we just love them (not the mistake…the outfits!!).  So unique.  So party-ready.  So perfect for dancing.  Sooo cute!!!


We worked hard to get a good picture of the two of them…it took 3 adults…lots of grapes…the ornaments from high up on the tree that are not for touching…and a whole lot of silliness. 

Here are a few of the outtakes!!! 







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