
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Harvesting…and How to Make Nut Ornaments

Fall 669

“It doesn’t have to be ordinary!”

This is an Osage Orange!  Isn’t it delightful!  It is anything but ordinary!!!  I love the color, texture, and shape of these bizarre little fruits!  We harvested a bounty of them today for use as decorations for an upcoming wedding.  I think a bowl or two will find their way onto a few tables in the house as well.  Nature is marvelous isn’t it?!?!

We did a bit of harvesting during a recent exploring adventures at Braddock Bay Park, and in nearby woods recently.  We looked a bit like squirrels I imagine as we hunted among the leaves for nuts.  Fall 675

Already eaten nuts that is!  We filled (a very obliging) Daddy’s pockets to the brim with treasures and brought another bounty home to inspire.  And inspire it did!!!

We made Christmas ornaments by stringing the nuts (and some wooden beads) on twine.  The nuts already have a hole in them so you don’t need to drill!  We used a pipe cleaner for needles as some of the holes are a bit tricky for a straight needle, and because we were using twine as string. 

Fall 677 Fall 687Fall 681

Fall 682 Fall 680Fall 679

I do love to see those hands work! 

Fall 686 Fall 690Very simple…very easy.  Very natural…very beautiful!!!   Just my style!!

Happy harvesting friends!      


  1. We found those same strange fruits in our backyard the other day. We used them to play softball! They do look like they will make marvelous ornaments!

  2. Love the nut&bead strings! Sooooo pretty! Be sure to take lots of pics of the wedding, too! I can't wait to see!

  3. great idea and so festive. i love osage orange, we call them monkey brains as well. off to explore more of your site.



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