This weekend we bundled up the kiddos, packed enough stuff to last an entire weekend I am sure!, and drove on route 2 for a little christmas adventure. It was wonderful. In the Berkshire Mountains in a snug little hollow that is deeply familiar is a little town that I used to call home. And there, on the first Saturday in December, is a holiday bazaar with more home-town goodness, artisan crafts, and true holiday simplicity than can be found anywhere in the world. There is truly nothing like a small town holiday bazaar. My little girl was completely inspired by the hand-made jewelry and fancy headbands...there are big plans for our own creations happening. But oh, the fun they had decorating cookies with the greatest variety of sweets they had ever seen! Oh the many many joys of Christmas.
Not too far down the road from there, oh so close to the magical historic Deerfield is Yankee Candle. Such a drastic difference from the home-town simplicity of a home town bazaar, but still a whole lot of fun. And a whole lot of people! Yikes. By far, oh, by far, our favorite spot at Yankee Candle was the candle dipping stations. Rows and rows of white tapered candles, and wax ornaments hung beside station after station of colored hot wax. Each station was set up neatly with simple instructions that made this activity so much fun and easy to figure out for novices like us (even with the buzz of crowds of people surrounding us). The littles had so much fun. The worked independently for the most part (we helped keep the second taper out of the way...and the little guys hands out of the hot wax!) and were so pleased with their creations. What started out as one turn quickly turned into candle after candle. It's kind of amusing that in the huge commercial Christmas wonderland that is Yankee Candle, our little family finds, and has the most fun with the one handmade activity available!!
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