
Monday, September 6, 2010

A New Phase

August 059

In one short week these little toes are about to start a brand new adventure…and this mama is beginning a new phase of mama-hood. It’s funny how phases and new adventures sort of sneak up on you undetected, until somehow, sometime, at some moment it hits you smack in the face and the mind-boggling reality of “wow…this is where we are right now” finally hits.

Aside from starting a new homeschool adventure we are starting dance class for the first time. We’ve done a lot of dancing at home together, doing what we can to practice techniques, adjectives (dancing fast, slow, sad, happy, excited, scared, etc.) and steps but mostly freestyling it with lots of Brahms Lullaby and Abba on Pandora. Not at the same time though…(yikes!)…and definitely with lots of costume changes!

With dance lessons comes the new phase of waiting in my life. I have waited for infants to be born (boy did I wait!), I have waited for infants to fall asleep, for toddlers to become toilet trained, waited for self-chopped 3 year old hair to grow back(!), waited for tooth after tooth after tooth to finally break through, waited for those first words to be slowly sounded out and read! … oh do mothers wait!!! This new “waiting” will be waiting for a child while she learns and adventures and experiences … and I sit in the waiting room … or on a chair in the corner! Our lives have been so connected, this first little one of mine. This separation, as slight as it is, is both a strange and exciting phase for us. When I first came head to head with it I was a bit taken back. For a split second that is. Then I began to think of all that could be done with those beautiful moments when I would be confined to a chair while my little beloved dances and grows in the studio. Though my mind danced around between writing, drawing, reading, and stitching, I think I have settled on knitting. Oh the joy of assigning myself a set time to sit and knit on a regular basis. I have big plans for the perfect hoodie for the mancub, and a delightful poncho for the little dancer. Oh boy! I can’t wait!

It is going to be a wonderful new phase. I am filled with butterflies of anticipation and excitement for all that she will learn and do in her classes. And my fingers are itching for a bit of solstice knitting.

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