
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Creatures and Maps

We have had two wonderful discoveries recently.  The first being Creature ABC by Andrew Zuckerman.  The photography is absolutely magnificent.  Magnificent!!!  We have been swept away in the beauty and splendor of the creatures we have “met”. 

Did you know a Jack Rabbit can jump 10 feet high…or that a African Elephant can be heard 10 miles away…or that a kangaroo can jump 25-40 feet in a single bound?  If you didn’t know you must not have seen my daughter lately…because she most definitely would have told you too! Fall 398

The second discovery has been Maps.  An oversized Atlas of the world has offered hours (seriously!) of curiosity and discovery.  We have named continents and countries, discussed languages and traditions, asked about animals and homes, traced rivers and boundaries.  And we have barely touched the surface.  Isn’t our world marvelous!  We are now geographers…and loving it! 

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Oh…and there has been knitting too.  I have been getting better at multi-tasking while knitting.  I can now read stories and knit, discover maps and knit, play outside and knit…!  It is only snippits of knitting but those snippets are adding up!!!  Happy knitting, happy kiddlings and happy momma!

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What have you discovered lately?


  1. Someday I'll learn to knit without looking at every stitch! Those books are great kid activities. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh I loe the fairy wings! My youngest is in love with maps. He carries them everywhere, and is constantly telling me where to go and how to get there :)

    can't wait to see what you are knitting up :)

  3. I'm really excited about the Creature ABC book. Thanks for the suggestion. My little boy loves animals already (he's only 7 and a half months old)so I think this will be a great addition to our library.


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