
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Fall Table Toppers

Fall 609

Fall has brought us much joy this year.  We have thoroughly enjoyed the splendor of the trees.  So it is really no surprise that as I drew up my Holiday crafting plans that a few fall inspired projects found their way into the mix!

how to make fall tree leaves table topperI came up with this very simple but quite lovely table topper to celebrate that beautiful fall foliage.  It is a tricky thing making gifts for others as tastes and decorating styles differ.  I try not to decorate others homes…and try to stick to seasonal items as attuning our surroundings with the changes of the earth just feels so right, and is very fun! 

So here you have it:

How to Make a Happy Fall Table Topper

Cut two squares of fabric the same size.  I used a very natural muslin. 

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

Cut a square of batting approximately the same size and layer it between the two fabric pieces. (The batting will be trimmed at the end…so don’t stress over the size yet.)

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

Cut a tree-ish shape from a lovely brown scrap of cotton and center it on your square.  Pin in place and make a running stitch around the edges.

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

Cut a lot of leaf shapes out of a wide variety of fall leaf colored fabric scraps.  Arrange around the tree trunk and pin in place.

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

Stitch each leaf in place with a running stitch around the edge. 

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

Make a running stitch around the edge of the entire square.  Trim the edges with a rotary cutter or scissors and you’re done!!

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

I made several different sizes of these toppers.  The one above is ~10” square.  I also made a 6” one and embroidered the tree branches instead of using a fabric scrap.  how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

For our family (I decided I couldn’t bear to make these only as gifts and made one for our home as well!) I actually made a table runner that will have two trees.  I backed that one with a floral upholstery fabric that I love.  how to make fall tree leaves table toppe

how to make fall tree leaves table toppeAll in all I am thrilled with this project! 

how to make fall tree leaves table toppe


  1. they are both beautiful but the smaller one is my favorite!!!!!!! nice job!

  2. Oh I love these! Just a great way to celebrate Autumn, and Thanksgiving

  3. These are beautiful projects! Great work, and thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Very, very beautiful. You are a talented needle smith.


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